Cucumber Extract

Cucumber Extract

  • $29.90
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About: Cucumber is rich in vitamin C and is well documented as an anti-inflammatory and heat reducer. Cucumber application can be immensely beneficial due to its ability to cool and cleanse the skin, with a number of skin conditions and some skin disorders responding well to topical application. 

USES: Application of a cucumber spritz on sun burnt skin can help to reduce inflammation. When incorporated into a eye cream it works to calm and soothe the external eye areas,  Skin conditions such as Eczema and Arthritis may be made more comfortable after applying a Cucumber based cream. 

Cucumber is known to be an excellent skin conditioner and cleanser making it perfect to use in a Cucumber cleansing facial toner.

Usage level: 10-30% in a lotion or cream | 50-100% in a toner or facial spritz